200 scans-project

Studying the social brain

Hi! Great to see that you are interested in our study.
Please note: only third-year Bachelor students can participate in this study.


We are interested in how social information is used in decision making, and how this relates to brain structure.

What & Where?

The complete experiment will take 2 hours and consists of questionnaires at home [60 minutes], an MRI-scan at Roeterseilandcampus [30 minutes], following computer tasks including decisions in a social environment [45 minutes].

COVID-19 update

We follow the COVID-19 protocol for MR research at the Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging (location Roeterseilandcampus). This protocol follows the current measures taken by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).

Why participate?

You will receive a picture of your own brain and earn €25 + up to €6 bonus!

Interested? Click here!

Questions? Contact us!

Feel free to email us if you have any questions via 200scans-fmg@uva.nl.